Friday, February 20, 2015

Honest insights from Brian

I figure that it might be time to start a blog.  Why?  I donno.  About what?  I guess just my random thoughts on random topics as I randomly go throughout life.  

Now.  A couple things at the onset. 

I thought about calling this "Life lessons with Brian."  I used to go on rants with close friends or family and I would call it "Life Lessons with Brian."  However, I can't guarantee that everything I say will be a lesson, and thus the word insights.  That's the beauty of that word.  It's just a "sight in" to my random thoughts.  No promises… no commitment… and that's the way I like it. 

If you are looking for intelligent insights, then you're barking up the wrong tree.  I'm not in the business of giving intelligent insights (that being said… if you are interested… we can talk business and rates… cause I got all kinds of good ideas!). 

This is more of an informal thing.  I'm not going to try and sound smarter than what I am, by looking up complicated words.  To try and fool you would be insulting your intelligence.  You're getting the plain and simple "Brian talk." 

You might have to suffer through some analogies, metaphors, or similes.  And I don't generally filter that.  You may hear some things, and ask yourself, "Do people say that?"  No.  They probably don't… but I do.  Why you ask?...  Oh… you didn’t?  Good cause I don't know. 

I may rant.  It's what I do.  It gets me into trouble sometimes.  Sometimes it's funny… sometimes its serious.  Sometimes it's serious but also funny, and sometimes it's seriously funny.  I may rant about strange things like how Europeans eat their Pommes with mayonnaise (what are Pommes you ask?  French fries…. You may also have to suffer some Deutsche Sprache now and again).  I may rant about double doors in Germany.  I may rant about other people ranting.  I probably won't rant about religion or politics, but I can't guarantee I won't.  I can, however, guarantee that it will be honest (not intelligent) insights.     

The reason I decided to do this was I wanted to write down some of my thoughts as I am living in Germany.  I make observations, and I usually let these observations fly out of my mouth with my friends here in Germany, and I think they are getting sick of it.  If you asked them how many times I've complained about ketchup and double doors, the number would probably be close to 10 (probably more… it might come up daily… don't get me started on double doors).  They roll their eyes every time I bring it up.  Anyway, that's what this blog is supposed to be… my random observations about random things that may or may not have anything to do with Germany.

Grammar.  If you are expecting good grammar… then you got another thing coming.  I ain't gonna talk proper fo nobody! And that includes German if I happen to write in German.  However, I will guarantee that in German I will try a lot harder to do it right :)  And I don't like proof reading my own writing.  I can barely read as it is.

I may sparse in some smiley faces here and there.  Don't like it?  Tough break.  Maybe I will just put a smiley that I am thinking of in words in parenthesis (left eyebrow raised and intense glance (followed by: wink( followed by: :) ).  Maybe not…

I'll try and keep the length to one page.  Longer than that would be ridiculous (you know I always spell that word wrong; I feel like it should be rediculous).<--could someone please tell me if that period should go before or after the parenthesis?  Or what about when you have quotes like: he said, "hey there."  I think it goes inside all the time.  I argued about this with an Italian friend of mine (and he eventually conceded because I fooled him into thinking that I had good grammar… haha! Sucker!!!

Ok.  That is enough intro, plus my page is basically finished.  Stay tuned for the next installment of Brian's Intelligent… oops! I mean Honest Insights from Brian.  


  1. Double doors...and girls with boyfriends.

    Weren't we just talking this week about how Germans were correcting English grammar? They could answer your questions, and throw in a few gerund tips.

    Will any of your video blogs make it on here?

    1. Oh yeah. My video blogs. That's a good question. We'll see. If it fits why not :) And yeah... girls with boyfriends... I can't say when, but I'm sure it will have to come up at some point ;)

  2. Gotcha covered Bri --> Period comes after the parenthesees... parenthises... parentheses. Ah got it! My spelling is worse than my grammar. Good thing I'm not writing a blog haha
